Not everyone has time to write process documents and tools, nor re-align their existing ones to formulate a full Quality Management System (QMS). RTOs faced with the option of being bogged down in paperwork often look for the simpler solution of purchasing pre-written processes and tools. Unfortunately, the market is saturated with cheap, poor quality products that are little more than a procedures-manual on CD, ironically claiming to be a QMS.
Worse, software providers are pitching their tools as a Quality Management 'System'.
‘System’ is not about software - though software can certainly support it and make it more efficient and effective.
In short, a procedures-manual is something that can sit in a drawer and never be used. Ask yourself, does your organisation have a process manual that says what you should do? And then, what is it that really happens in practice?
A QMS is a whole of organisation approach that is scalable and flexible to the size and scope of the organisation, as well as responsive to sudden growth or staff loss. If you were to double your staff tomorrow, or downsize and lose most of your people, or even if your scope of registration dramatically altered - you should not need to rewrite your ‘System’.
A systematic approach is also more than a 'Compliant/Not Yet Compliant' checklist - it has a methodology for tracking how you are progressing as an organisation with compliance set as one benchmark. Beyond compliance, the endgame should be quality and excellence achieved through continuous improvement across the management of all RTO operations.
The CPQMS: Suite of RTO Materials is the most popular QMS is the Australian VET space, and with good reason. It provides you with a fully populated Quality Management System that is already aligned according to the systems and framework set out in the CPQMS: RTO Quality Framework, and it is underpinned by a quality philosophy and an assessment methodology for tracking organisational progress. Not to mention, when implemented and used properly within an RTO, it has also passed audit in every state under every regulator.
The process and tools component are held in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF file format for easy editing and transferring within your RTO (or is pre-loaded into your ChalkPort: QMS Online) and has been mapped for you to meet the compliance requirements of ASQA's VET Quality Framework as well as AQTF2010 for Victorian and Western Australian RTOs.
Establishment of the system is easy. Follow our step by step instructions in the CPQMS -Establishment Guide provided with the CPQMS: Suite of RTO Materials.
Whether you're an existing RTO looking for a fresh start to your systems or to bolster existing processes and tools, or if you're a new RTO looking for a simple turnkey solution for initial audit, the CPQMS: Suite of RTO Materials is a choice you can have confidence in.
ChalkPort Members automatically receive ongoing updates to the CPQMS: Suite of Materials in relation to legislative change, in response to client or audit feedback, or as a result of continuous improvement suggestions found during monitoring by our quality panel. These improvements are available to Members only, and are delivered automatically to the administrator of the RTOs ChalkPort: QMS Online and can be found under 'QMS Update' located on the left hand navigation.
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